Elevate Leadership Year 1

Research has proven that certain actions and behaviors have a positive effect on student achievement, and all principals can learn these actions and behaviors and how to implement them with efficacy.  They can learn how to establish a clear focus, keeping the work and dialogue focused on issues that matter.  They can learn how to manage the changes - large and small - that come with making improvements.  They can learn how to create a purposeful community in their school, one in which all teachers and staff are invested in student outcomes and believe they can make a difference.  - School Leadership That Works (Marzano, Water, & McNulty, 2005 & Balanced Leadership for Powerful Learning (Goodwin, Cameron, & Hein 2015)


Sessions will focus on building capacity in developing strong instructional leadership skills, a laser sharp focus on best practices, how to effectively lead change, and how to build a purposeful school community.  Sessions will be collaborative and include time to work on a customized action plan.

Target Audience

New & Experienced Administrators, Teacher Leaders, Special Education Leaders


$2000 Non Member, $1000 Member, $0 PLN for all 6 sessions

Locations & Dates


  • 9.10.2024

  • 10.8.2024

  • 12.3.2024

  • 1.14.2025

  • 2.11.2025

  • 4.8.2025


  • 9.12.2024

  • 10.10.2024

  • 12.5.2024

  • 1.16.2025

  • 2.13.2025

  • 4.10.2025


  • 9.10.2024

  • 10.8.2024

  • 12.3.2024

  • 1.14.2025

  • 2.11.2025

  • 4.8.2025


  • 9.12.2024

  • 10.10.2024

  • 12.5.2024

  • 1.16.2025

  • 2.13.2025

  • 4.10.2025


  • 9.10.2024

  • 10.8.2024

  • 12.3.2024

  • 1.14.2025

  • 2.11.2025

  • 4.8.2025


  • 9.25.2024

  • 10.23.2024

  • 11.20.2024

  • 1.29.2025

  • 2.26.2025

  • 4.23.2025

  • Sessions are 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. for this location.


“As I network with principals across the nation, I am affirmed that Kansas is committed to investing in school leadership. When I share about our Kansas Principals Association, the Elevate Leadership professional development, the 360/Building Ranks Assessment and Coaching, and the Leading Learning workshops they are amazed! We are unique with our solid and strategic offerings. I have been active in all three professional development opportunities this year. This work will impact my leadership and our building as we move forward. The network I have created is one of the most valuable assets from these PD opportunities. My growth would not have been possible without the amazing staff from USA/KASB/KSDE. They came very prepared each session, they invested in each one of us, and our collective growth is commendable.” – Stacey Green, PK-8 Principal Stockton


“This is my 6th year as a principal. I have always been a person that wants to grow and improve every year, but my growth this year has easily outweighed the previous five years combined! I attribute this to Jessica’s guidance and the opportunity to learn alongside other like-minded leaders hungry for growth. The 360 survey that I had my staff complete provided valuable feedback and offered me the “nudge” I needed to challenge the status quo and initiate positive change.” – Tyler Weinbrenner, Jr./Sr. High Principal 448