KASEA handed out 3 awards today at the KASEA Winter Conference. Dr. Christy Skelton was recognized as the Special Education Administrator of the Year, Dr. Marvin Miller was recognized as the Special Education Professional of the Year, and Zak Brandon was awarded a scholarship!
11 months ago, Jessi Clark
KASEA Awards
Thank you to Rob Lane and Ameritime for joining us today in Chanute as our lunch sponsor!
11 months ago, Jessi Clark
Ameritime - Elevate Leadership Lunch Sponsor
Dr. Doug Moeckel and Jerry Henn are working with out Topeka Elevate Cohort on What Matters Most. #edleadershipmatters #elevateleadership
11 months ago, Jessi Clark
EL Topeka
Dr. Marty Stessman is out in Dodge City today working with our 'Western' cohort of Elevate Leaders. Today's focus is on What Matters Most and leaders are digging in on their current state. #elevateleadership #edleadershipmatters
11 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Elevate Leadership
Cara Ledy is working with Elevate Leadership Year 1 Principals in Chanute. They are working on their What Matters Most framework, action planning, and next steps! #edleadershipmatters #elevateleadership
11 months ago, Jessi Clark
EL Chanute
Jessica Griffin is in Salina today with our Elevate Leadership Year 1 principals. The are working on sharing their accountability plans with one another for feedback. #edleadershipmatters #elevateleadership
11 months ago, Jessi Clark
EL 1 Salina
We are looking forward to our final night hosting in San Diego at #NCE2024. Thank you to our generous sponsors for making this evening at Bali Hai possible for our guests! #KSSA
11 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Bali Hai
Director Cara Ledy was in @WichitaUSD259 today working with building leaders from special purpose schools from across the districts. During her two sessions, Cara focused on the power of Brain Smart Starts. Reach out to learn how we can support your learning! #edleadershipmatters
11 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Brain Smart Starts
Here is a look at what happened this week in the #ksleg. It's been a busy week, but next week should calm down as the turnaround deadline nears. A full recap will be sent out through Voter Voice. #edleadershipmatters
11 months ago, Sarah Perryman
February 12 - 16
It has been a great day at the #NCE2024 in San Diego hosted by @AASAHQ. We are looking forward to hosting leaders tonight at Deck655 thanks to a myriad of our sponsors. #KSSA #elevateleadership
11 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Deck 655
We are in @USD265_Goddard today working with our Elevate 2 Leaders on their growth as instructional leaders. Today, we are diving into key concepts of the What Matters Most Framework. #elevateleadership #edleadershipmatters
11 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Elevate Leadership 2
While in San Diego for the @AASAHQ Conference, we are proud to be partnering with our sponsors to host events each evening. Tonight, @DLRGroup is treating us to a night out. Thank you for your partnership, and we look forward to the remainder of the conference. #KSSA
11 months ago, Sarah Perryman
DLR Group Sponsor
School leaders are at @SmokyHillEDU for Elevate Leadership 2 training. Today, they are working within their accountability groups to reflect on their implementation of What Matters Most and discuss how to create a 'mood of excellence'. #elevateleadership #edleadershipmatters
11 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Elevate Leadership 2
Elevate Leadership 2
CALL FOR TESTIMONY - If you are interested in presenting testimony on HB 2738, please have it submitted by 2/12/24 at 10 am. HB 2738 deals with SPED funding. Here is a summary of what's been going on in the #ksleg. Check your email for a full recap! #edleadershipmatters
11 months ago, Sarah Perryman
legislative update February 5-9
The USA Team is in the office today for our monthly Board of Directors meeting. Thank you to our Board Members for their guidance and support as we work to achieve our vision of World Class Leadership, World Class Student Success. #edleadershipmatters
11 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Board of Directors
Participants in the Western Kansas Leadership Academy are learning about principal observations, evaluations, and instructional leadership in the building today in Garden City! @gckschools @swprsc @kasbpubliced #wkla #edleadershipmatters
11 months ago, Jessi Clark
Western Kansas Leadership Academy
G.A. Buie is in Garden City with the Western Kansas Leadership Academy. He stresses the importance of growing an understanding of our schools and communities as we lead change. @SWPRSC @kansasaccociationofschoolboards #wkla #edleadershipmatters
11 months ago, Jessi Clark
Western Kansas Leadership Academy
Students at the WKCS Healthcare Showcase are hearing from area businesses about the work they do to support the medical field. #startherestayhere
11 months ago, Jessi Clark
Healthcare Showcase
A team of student leaders helps plan and presents at each WKCS Showcase. #startherestayhere
11 months ago, Jessi Clark
Healthcare Showcase Student Leaders
We are out in Western Kansas at the Finney County Fairgrounds today for the WKCS Healthcare Showcase. This event has drawn 300 students interested in exploring careers in the healthcare field, making it the largest WKCS to date! #startherestayhere
11 months ago, Jessi Clark
Healthcare Showcase