Aspiring Principals working towards being prepared for new journeys!
over 1 year ago, Cara Ledy
Aspiring Leaders from across the state learning and collaborating on the role of the Principal. #principalsrock @ksprincipals
over 1 year ago, Cara Ledy
“Let’s talk a minute about decorum and respect for the chair,” Williams said. “I asked you to stop and called point of order and you did not care. I consider that disrespectful.” Yet when Williams makes her jabs at schools or bullies speakers it's OK? No it goes both ways!
over 1 year ago, Executive Director -G. A. Buie
pushing buttons
Southwest Kansas Business Showcase, 170 students, 10 businesses, and 3 colleges. Joe and his team helping kids with career opportunists. #MakingADifference
over 1 year ago, Executive Director -G. A. Buie
Joe Coles
the kids
Without surprise we learned the House K12 budget Committee Chair hasn't changed behavior. She leads the attacks on any who dare to disagree. Disappointing when elected officials without any or recent education experience are afraid to listen and ask questions.
over 1 year ago, Executive Director -G. A. Buie
HB 2048
As Governor Kelly finished up Question and Answer with the KSSA Council of Superintendents I asked what she was most proud of regarding Kansas Educations. Not surprising she said our students, but followed with the dedicated teachers, administrators, and staff members who kept our school going despite those who appear want to argue and blame those doing the hard work. Covid wasn't easy for anyone, but it was our educators who keep the system moving and reaching out to kids. She finished by just saying Thank You.
over 1 year ago, Executive Director -G. A. Buie
Governor Kelly
Special thanks to Governor Laura Kelly for speaking to our Council of Superintendents group!
over 1 year ago, Jessi Clark
Governor Laura Kelly
KSSA also recognized the 2023 Dr. Doug Moeckel Distinguished Service Award winners at today’s event. Congratulations to Denise O’Dea – Superintendent of Washington County USD 108, Mike Roth – Superintendent of Leavenworth USD 453, and David Grover – Superintendent of Cheney USD 268!
over 1 year ago, Jessi Clark
Denise O'Dea and Dr. Michael Argabright
Mike Roth and Craig Correll
David Grover and Jamie Rumford
KSSA held their annual Superintendent of the Year Awards Luncheon today. Congratulations to finalists Dr. Tiffany Anderson and Dr. Alicia Thompson, as well as the 2023 Kansas Superintendent of the Year, Dr. Michael Argabright, Superintendent of Southern Lyon County USD 252! Special thanks to sponsors OFG and Jostens for their support in making this event great!
over 1 year ago, Jessi Clark
Barb Berry, Dr. Tiffany Anderson, and Jamie Rumford
Barb Berry, Chris Curtis, Dr. Michael Argabright, and Jamie Rumford
Dr. Michael Argabright
Celebrating leadership today! KSSA is honoring the Kansas Superintendent of Year and the SOY finalist. Dr. Mike Argabright, Southern Lyon, Dr, Tiffany Anderson, Topeka, and Dr Alicia Thompson Wichita.
over 1 year ago, USA-Kansas
Elevate Leadership Dodge City style! Great leaders improving their skills.
over 1 year ago, Jerry Henn
Collaborations at its best!
Great working collaboratively and sharing! #KELIworkshopDerby
over 1 year ago, Cara Ledy
Collaborating and learning how to improve our schools at our KELI workshop in Derby today.
over 1 year ago, Cara Ledy
Just released Januarys magazine, with great articles from Kansas leaders on Teamwork. Enjoy articles from @duckmo73, @tdain24 Kellen Adams, Annie Diederich, Scott Springston and more! USA-Kansas you can find you link in your email, not a members reach to USA-Kansas for details
over 1 year ago, Executive Director -G. A. Buie
Cover Page
What better way to kick off your planning for the spring and 23-24 school year than with colleagues who are facing the same challenges and who share the same desire to strengthen their professional skills? Join us in a Leadership Idea Exchange cohort to process and share ideas related to the top 5 key areas to promote student learning and achievement! Cohorts will discuss ideas and challenges they have related to leading instruction, managing change, developing people, shaping positive school culture, and meeting the needs of diverse learners. Click the link to register and join us for rich discussion and collaborative planning this spring!
over 1 year ago, Jessica Griffin
Leadership Idea Exchange
We are also now accepting submissions for breakout sessions at the 2023 USA-KS Conference! We hope you will consider sharing your experience and expertise with your peers, even if you don't consider yourself an expert or have all the solutions. Chances are that your district is tackling some of the same challenges as others! Please feel free to reach out to any other amazing leaders you know that may have something to share, and invite them to join us and submit a proposal as well.
over 1 year ago, Jessi Clark
Submit a Breakout Proposal
Research shows effective principals generate better outcomes for teachers, students, and the schools they lead when they receive high-quality professional development and ongoing support. Mentoring and coaching are influential and valuable for principals, along with collegial learning networks where principals apply learning. How are you building your professional network and skills? Join us in a Leadership Idea Exchange cohort to create time and space to process ideas you have to move your school forward this spring with colleagues!
over 1 year ago, Jessica Griffin
Kansas Principals Collaborating.
What innovative idea or challenge are you facing this spring in your school? Wouldn’t it be great to have a network of leaders to process these ideas and plan with in the coming months? We are excited to offer the time and space to do just that! Join us in person or remotely to grow your plans by registering for a Leadership Idea Exchange cohort. Stay tuned for additional information in the coming days!
over 1 year ago, Jessica Griffin
Have a wonderful winter holiday season, I have created a little challenge for all our administrators. Good Luck!
almost 2 years ago, Executive Director -G. A. Buie
Happy Holidays
Have you had a chance to check out the December edition of Under the Umbrella? It's packed with great advice for upcoming assessments!
almost 2 years ago, Jessi Clark
Under the Umbrella, Volume 5, Issue 5