One way you can impact student learning today, tomorrow, and next year is by investing in your school leaders. Building the capacity of educational leaders is more than just attending a one-day workshop. It means continually talking and learning about what matters most. Our PLCs are one way you can continue your learning within a community of job-alike professionals. Learn more here: #edleadershipmatters
Our KSSA Board of Directors is meeting this afternoon in Dodge City ahead of Council of Superintendents tomorrow. Thank you to our Board for your role in advancing the work of education in Kansas by being an advocate for your peers, staff, and students!
Accountability is essential to growth and our Elevate 2 leaders take their work seriously! Our leaders are spending time today reflecting on their work so that they can stay on the path to World Class Leadership, World Class Student Success!
Building Leaders are in Salina today at Smoky Hill Education Service Center for Day 3 of Elevate Leadership 2. On Day 3, leaders discuss the importance of trust in relationships and how to build a student-centered culture.
The 53rd Annual Uniting Leaders Conference will take place May 29-31, 2024. USA-Kansas is currently accepting proposals for the 2024 Learning Cluster Presentations, which will take place on May 30, 2024. The deadline for submission is January 31st.
The calendar is full and so is the gas tank as we head out for a busy week of professional development and networking sessions across the state! Where will we be seeing you this week?
As we close out November and look toward December and the end of first semester, take a moment to pause, relax your shoulders, take a deep breath, and remember that you got this! Today is a good day to have a good day! Keep making a difference in the lives of kids! #KansansCan
On this Choose Women Wednesday, we encourage all of our Women in Leadership to sign up for the 2024 Women's Leadership Summit! The theme this year is "Embracing Women's Leadership Potential". Join us in Wichita March 6 & 7 for this event! Go to
Another great day of learning is coming to a close at the USD 512 district office! Thank you for hosting as our Elevate 1 and 2 leaders concluded a great day of learning by reflecting on essential topics like Academic Optimism, Trust, and Equity!
The learning doesn't stop when you attend Elevate Leadership 1 and 2. Our suburban cohort has had a busy morning with guests from KSDE and deep discussion around the roles and responsibilities of a strong leader. Up next: culture, trust, and equity!
We are in Shawnee Mission today working with our Suburban Cohort through Elevate Leadership 1 and 2. We don't let a minute go to waste, getting right to work by reflecting with peers!
Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!
We are so thankful for our 1600+ members and 8 member organizations who make up USA Kansas. A membership with USA and our affiliates is truly a professional learning gift that keeps on giving. What about your USA membership are you most thankful for?
As schools close to observe the Thanksgiving holiday, we wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who work tirelessly to improve the lives of students each day. Thank you for the difference you are making. Take time to fill your cup this week! You deserve it!
The Zone 8 Director for NAESP is our Kansas Principal, John Befort. He is leading our seven states this weekend in learning and collaborating! #KansasProud
Reflection is essential for high quality professional learning to have a meaningful impact on each participant. Building a safe learning environment is one way presenters help participants feel ready to share and grow alongside peers all day! Here's to another great KELI session!
Our final group of year 1 KELI Building Leaders are in Derby today discussing the importance of a strong school family. How do you intentionally build your school community?
We are working with new building administrators in Dodge City today to learn about the power of instructional leadership. Participants are refining their list of behaviors that instructional leaders live out on a daily basis. What's on your list?
Aspiring Principals are closing the day by practicing the technical components of landing their first principal job! From resume building to mock interviews, participants will feel confident going into hiring season. Participants also heard from a panel of Principals!
Aspiring Principals are in Goddard today learning how they can be instructional leaders. The role of the principal is most impactful when the principal is an instructional leader, where there is intentional focus on the learning environment so that each student can find success.