On-going professional development is just one way we are helping to develop world class leadership in Kansas. Our new principals are off to a great start in building their purposeful community. Thank you, KELI leaders, for your commitment to your own learning.
Starting by understanding who you are and who you serve can help all leaders set the stage for success. Do you know your why? What drives those around you? Great discussions are being had in Topeka!
Today is a great day to invest in professional development! Our first year principals are here in Topeka for Day 1 of their KELI Year 1 journey. We are excited to work with these new leaders. Thanks, KELI, for partnering and allowing us to build up these new administrators.
Students who participate in the Western KS Career Showcase also get to network with local business and industry leaders to learn about career opportunities. This is all part of an effort to grow and retain local, rural talent! #startherestayhere
We are in Dodge City today with our Western Kansas Career Showcase students as they engage in the Uncommon Leadership training. Working with students to develop their leadership is one of the ways we live out our vision of World Class Leadership. World Class Student Success.
As you head out to the polls tomorrow, we encourage you to consider candidates who want to be part of the solution in making our public schools the best they can be! Our communities depend on it, and our students deserve it!
We are in Wichita next week for the KPA conference on Tuesday and Wednesday and KSSA Day on Friday! Spots are still open for KSSA Day. Register here: https://www.kansassuperintendents.org/o/kssa/page/kssa-day We would love to see you! Will you be joining us? Let us know below!
We are at Smoky Hill ESC today as Dr. Kellen Adams (USD 453) leads a crash course on School Finance! This morning, Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, and Budget Directors are learning the history of school finance in KS and how they can best use their dollars for kids!
The Kansas Principals Association is hosting their fall conference next week, November 7 and 8, in Wichita, KS. Only a few spots remain! Don't miss out on your opportunity to learn and network with peers. Sign up today: https://www.ksprincipals.org/o/kpa/page/kansas-principals-conference
During Elevate Leadership 2, attendees focus on application of workshop activities and the progress they are making toward effective implementation of their actions plans to impact students. We are working every day to build world class leaders and world class student success!
Council of Superintendents is having great reflective conversation this afternoon regarding how they use the budgeting process to improve student outcomes. Big conversations are happening here in Wichita, KS!
During the Special Legislative Committee on Education meetings held earlier this month, it was consistently repeated that monetary investments should be tied to student outcomes. Intentional and focused budgeting is the key to unlocking the return on investment the Legislature is asking to see! Come learn how to budget with us at the School Finance University taking place on November 1, 2023 at Smoky Hill Education Service Center in Salina, KS. Learn more here: https://www.usakansas.org/page/school-finance-university
Thank you to Don Potter, Superintendent of USD 375 Circle, for taking time to speak with our new Superintendents today at the KELI District Meeting in Wichita, KS!
Why are Elevate Leadership Workshops so engaging? Because each one starts with a Brain Smart Start! These Brain Smart Starts have 4 parts: Unite, Connect, Commit, and Disengage Stress. Director Jessica Griffin is our in-house Brain Smart Start expert!
This is the final week to submit a breakout proposal for the 2024 Women's Leadership Summit. This year's theme is Rise & Shine: Embracing Women's Leadership Potential. https://forms.gle/37ki44NTBS1H7C4p8
Our Suburban Cohort of Elevate Leadership 1 and 2 is having a great day here in Olathe!
On October 9 & 10, the Special Legislative Committee on Education met in Topeka. On the 10th, the Kansas Legislative Division of Post Audit presented their report “Estimating the Cost of K-12 Education”. They found, “Spending on administrative activities was consistently associated with improvements in student outcomes. Spending on things that may improve the quality of district and building leadership appear to have a positive impact on students.” How can we help you build the capacity of your administrators? Let us know today!
Read the full report here: https://www.kslpa.org/audit-report-library/estimating-the-cost-of-k-12-education/
So far, hundreds of school administrators in Kansas have engaged in Elevate Leadership! Why do they keep coming back? Because they love to engage in learning around What Matters Most! Reach out if you are interested in learning more about what Elevate Leadership can do for you.
The Kansas School Public Relations Association (KanSPRA) held their fall conference October 18-20 at the Hilltop Conference Center in Blue Valley USD 229. This member organization represents and supports the work of school communication specialists who work daily to tell the story of education in Kansas! Thank you for the learning KanSPRA offers its members. Who from your organization should become involved?
Happy 50th Birthday to our member organization KanSPRA! Did you know that the Kansas Chapter of the School Public Relations Association has been named a chapter of distinction for the last three years?! Who in your organization should join KanSPRA? Get them signed up today!